How To Pay

To pay for shares, savings, fees, housing schemes and loans, please use the following options.

Cash, Card, EcoCash and OneMoney

You can pay by cash by visiting our offices at 282 Hebert Chitepo. We also have a swipe machine allowing you to pay via bank card, EcoCash and OneMoney

Local Bank

Bank Account Number Branch Branch Code Swift Code
CBZ 02926645670014 Borrowdale 6116 COBZZWH
NMB 350000925 Excellence Center
Ecobank 5712000014527 Borrowdale 2600 ECOCZWHX

Mobile Transfer

To send money via EcoCash, InnBucks and Omari, send the money (inclusive of 2% charges) to 0775 971 125 (Stanley Pamire) and send the proof of payment either to  0779060002  or .


To send via remittances like Mukuru, World Remit and Western Union, use the following details:

Name: Stanley Pamire

ID Number: 63-1888247B38

Phone Number: 0775971125

Address: 23 Elizabeth Windsor, Malborough, Harare, Zimbabwe

Once sent, send the proof of payment either to  0779060002  or .

International Banks

United Kingdom


Bank: HSBC
Sortcode: 40-18-00

Account Number: 51071068

International Bank Account Number: GB15HBUK40180051071068

Branch Identifier Code: HBUKGB4194O