Debt Acknowledgement

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1. By completing this section number 1, I (hereinafter called "the debtor"), acknowledge that I am truly and lawfully indebted to Empowered Woman Excel Savings & Co-Operative (EWESACCO) (hereinafter referred to as "the creditor") in the sum of the herein specified loan amount (United States Dollars, hereinafter called "the capital amount").
2. I have an obligation to pay towards 0% Interest Loan from the specified Loan Repayment Start Date to the Loan Repayment End Date specified below
3. The debtor agrees to bind herself/himself to the terms and conditions of payment of the capital amount as stipulated in this Acknowledgment without reservation.
4. Charges:
Administration fees - 5% of the loan amount deducted on disbursement.
5. Please provide the purpose of your Loan and the date of the last day of the loan repayment.
NOTE: The payment must be paid in Pounds cash at Women Excel offices or EWESACCO Account.